Traffic Light Protocol alike Security Reference Architecture for Azure


The way how organizations categorize/handle classified information can vary significantly. Where it can go from about 6 categories towards a more “limited” set of 3 to 4 categories. Where you see that some government organizations have even tried to reduce this in an effort to make it more accessible.


So for today, we’ll be looking at how we can handle sensitive/classified information in Azure. And to ensure you that you Azure implementations can facilitate sensitive data.


Side Story : Security should be like a roundabout

Though I don’t remember which conference talk it was… One visual has always stuck with me when talking about security. Imagine security like road infrastructure. Having a complex situation might be needed at times, though it will increase the risk that the drivers (~users) will make mistakes.

Continue reading “Traffic Light Protocol alike Security Reference Architecture for Azure”

Enabling Azure Active Directory support in OpenShift (Origin)


In today’s post we’ll go through the steps to get Azure Active Directory (AAD) integrated in RedHat’s OpenShift. So that we can use the AAD identity we all love in OpenShift too.



For the next steps, I’m assuming you already have an OpenShift deployment up & running. If not, check out this repository!

Continue reading “Enabling Azure Active Directory support in OpenShift (Origin)”

VMchooser now supports Azure Migrate Exports


The “BulkUploader” module of VMchooser has existed for quite some time. It is without doubt the most loved capability by all the visitors/users. Though where many are accustomed to working with the CSV Input file, do know that you can now also use the export files of Azure Migrate! For today’s post, let’s go through the process…


Let’s take a look

Go to your Azure Migrate project

Continue reading “VMchooser now supports Azure Migrate Exports”